Mayor and City Council
City Officials
Parks, Michael E
City Administrator
(770) 963-4002 ext. 202
Hodge, Chief Christopher
Chief of Police
(770) 963-4002 ext. 217
Bland, Leigh Anne
Community Development Coordinator
(770) 963-4002 ext. 206
Outwater, Belinda
Library Manager
(770) 513-2925
Haney, Brooke
City Clerk
(770) 963-4002 ext. 230
Morvac, Joe
Stormwater Coordinator
(770) 963-4002 ext. 331
Akridge, Iris
Director of Public Works
(770) 963-4002 ext. 207
Moravec, Joe
Buildings and Grounds Superintendent
(770) 963-4002 ext. 331
Thompson, Michael
Parks & Leisure Coordinator (770) 963-4002 ext. 250
Waters, Staci
Executive Assistant & Main Street Coordinator
(470) 837-7707